Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Baby #4!

Just when I thought I had it figured out, BAM, God caught me off guard!
I've learned that God's going to do with you what He wants, when He wants!

There was an episode of SCRUBS where one nurse was trying to get pregnant. She took a test (at work, I think) and it was negative so she tossed it out in disappointment. Moments later, someone came and emptied the trash (a friend of hers) and saw the pregnancy test, but it was showing a positive result. So, ever since then, if I have a negative test, I have been known to look at it a few times through out the day - expecting the same negative results.
This time around, I threw away a negative test and hours later it was still negative. I took another test a few days later and it was negative....but when I looked hours later, it was positive! So of course I HAD to take another in a couple of days. Negative. Then another negative turning into a positive hours later! WHAT IS GOING ON! So I googled it and read about why we aren't supposed to look at results after 10 minutes. Okay so I decided that I wasn't going to look after 10 minutes (dumb SCRUB idea!). Negative.  Okay, so I was certain I wasn't pregnant.
I counted 28 days (a normal cycle) from when my last "visit" was supposed to be which turned out to be July 11th....and waited....nothing. There was one more test in my bathroom....so naturally I took it. POSITIVE! Didn't even have to wait for the control line to show up. DEFINITELY PREGNANT! I could hardly wait to tell Trent the news since he had just called to tell me he was on his way home...but I did. :)

I had my doctor appointment today and we are probably around 8 weeks along. I am going to have an ultrasound at 11 weeks to make sure we know the estimated due date. Right now it is March 8th. 
Currently I am experiencing waves of nausea through out the day. No vomiting though with I am EXTREMELY grateful for. And, I'm tired. 
God is good!
Yay for BABY #4!!! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

to laugh!

Molly, Eli, & I were sitting around the table this morning eating our breakfast. Here is the conversation:

Molly: Mommy would you kill a moose?
Me: No....not unless it was hurting you or someone else.
Eli (trying to sound tough, he lowers his voice): I could kill a moose! I could kill a deer!
Molly: No, not my friend the deer! She doesn't even have any horns! (Molly really doesn't have a deer friend)
Me: Deer don't have horns. But boy deer have antlers. They are called bucks. Girl deer are called doe.
Both kids take a minute. Chew their food. Thinking about what they just heard...
Eli: I'll kill your deer so we can make cookies!! Cuz it's dough!


Have a WONDERFUL Thursday!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Food Friday :)


I just finished my morning Bible reading and was thinking about the fact that it is Friday and that I haven't done a Food Friday entry in a while. A verse keeps popping into my head so I thought "I must share!"

Proverbs 26: 20
Where there is no wood, the fire goes out;
and where there is no talebearer (gossip/slander), strife ceases.

So, time for WEBSTER...
strife:  Angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict
talebearer:  A person who maliciously gossips or reveals secrets
1. Casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true
2. A person who likes talking about other people's private lives

How do those definitions sound?
Uuummmm terrible!

    Never do I want to have those definitions be words that describe me.
    I am in fact guilty on all accounts!!!
    Have I caused strife? Yes.
    Have I maliciously gossiped or revealed secrets? Sure have.
    Have I taken part or even started casual or unconstrained conversation/reports about other people, including possibly untrue details? Yep.
    Do my ears perk up when I hear someone talking about someone else private life? Sadly, yes.

    So, for Food Friday....here's some Food for Thought:
    What are you using your words for? Causing strife? Gossiping? Talebearing?
    Would your day be different if maybe you didn't share those "private", possibly true/untrue details of so-&-so's life over your lunch break?
    Would you want that same gossip to be spoken about you.....or any gossip for that matter?

    Use your words today for good! Compliment, encourage, listen (instead of talking!), disciple!!!
    YES, friends it is possible that we can go an entire day without gossip & slander. Instead of partaking, walk away or just don't listen (if there's nowhere else to go). Change the subject! Say something nice about the person that's being slammed on - weird concept, huh?!?!
    Are you possibly causing strife that you are unaware of due to words that have come from your mouth?
    Today's challengeCease strife today and choose your words wisely!

    Our God is so merciful, just, and faithful to forgive!!!
    Now that is awesome!

    Have a FANTASTIC day!!!

    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    final tonsil/tube update.

    Day 14 came and went! Yay! We went to Eli's follow-up appointment for his tubes/tonsil surgery and the doctor said everything looked great! HOORAY! He healed, and I survived recovery!!!

    So, overall it wasn't that bad. I guess being nervous that he would bleed out was the worst part....and trying to keep him calm so that he wouldn't bleed out....that was pretty stressful at times too.
    But OVERALL, not bad.
    Now, hopefully that was the end.
    Hopefully you won't have to read about another one of Eli's ear infections!
    That would be a MIRACLE!!!

    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers :)