Monday, February 6, 2012

oh the joys :)

There may have been a few "things" about pregnancy that had slipped my mind until now:

*My feet really don't do well under pressure (or you might call it rapid weight gain).

*The maternity shirts that look like a tent, that at the beginning of every pregnancy get shoved to the bottom of the drawers, are pretty much the only things that will fit now. And now looking back, it seems I generally hold them up at about 8 weeks pregnant and think "Ya right! Like I really get this big!"
Ya....well, I do!
 And I am!

*When I'm not pregnant, I'm am usually pretty sure that I exaggerate on the dramatic act of rolling over in bed. Currently, I am constantly being reminded that it is by no means an exaggeration. It's real. NOT a pleasant sight! For me, it's painfully breathtaking(.....I'm out of breath doing pretty much anything these days, and yes it does cause quite a bit of discomfort)

*Although it takes me approximately 8 steps to get to the toilet from the edge of my bed normally...being 35 weeks pregnant - at 3 &/or 5 am - I have to sit on the edge of the bed and prep before the mad sprint (or what feels like a sprint) to the toilet.
Quick, small steps & hope that nothing gets in the way!

*Everyone thinks "you look like you're going to pop any minute!"
And my response: "I feel like it! Haha" this point, I'm being completely truthful.

*Someone still has to do the housework.......and that happens to be me.

*One thing that gets me with every pregnancy is that I have a very difficult time putting on my socks & shoes! I must convince myself that I'm conditioned for this or something......but when it comes down to it, I'd pretty much just rather walk out in the snow barefoot because it's not worth the struggle! Seriously, I wear totally uncomfortable slip on shoes with OR without socks because I don't want to bend over! It's hard work.

*I'm sure there are many more things.....but I guess pregnancy brain has gotten the best of me!

God is good!
First, He makes me so uncomfortable that the only next thing to do would be to "get this baby out!"
And then, when the baby finally makes it's entrance into this world, all the aches, pains, complaints, difficulties of pregnancy, "wish I would have's", emotional ups & downs, & whatever else, is forgotten or quickly stored away (until the next time of course).
With every new life that has been handed over to me, it seems only minutes (probably hours) go by and I think "I could totally do that again."
It's all worth it. Every bit of it!