Thursday, July 26, 2012 used to seem so simple....

When I was a little girl:
I LOVED to get dirty...sand, mud, whatever!
I threw fits if I had to wear pants.
I did NOT like my hair brushed.
I loved just being with my family.
Just hearing my brother laugh made me laugh.
I hated to be tickled.
I loved spending time with my Mom. 
(I remember sitting in the nurses office at school just hoping that I would have a fever or throw up just so I could go home to be with my Mom)
I loved hanging out with my Dad while he worked.
I probably fought too much with my sister.
I fell asleep reading my Bible on the toilet. (even though I couldn't read)
I loved spending time with "old people" 
I loved playing with my Cabbage Patch kids.

Now that I'm a big girl:
I love to get dirty in sand and mud....I just don't do it enough!
I throw fits because I can't fit into my pants!
I barely brush my hair.
My brother's contagious laugh STILL makes me laugh.....even thinking about it makes me smile :)
I still really don't like to be tickled.
I LOVE spending time with my Mom.
I LOVE hanging out with my Dad - working or not.
I Love my sister.
I can and DO read my Bible.
I think "old people" are AMAZING! I am so intrigued by their experience and wisdom.
I LOVE playing with MY kids.

The comparison of life then and now is interesting. We think as time goes on, we grow-up and change so much.....when the reality is that we only appear to grow-up and change so much!
I might know more about baking, how to pack a wound, heaven & hell, electricity, where babies come from, debt, dirty diapers, and sleep deprivation...and the list goes on........but my heart is the just gets cluttered by the junk of this world. I need to dig through that junk and find that pure child-like heart. Just declutter and get rid of the things that weighs me down........turn that clutter over to HIS goodwill and rest in Him! 
Too often we get distracted with "grown-up" responsibilities and rights that we forget that we are still children. His children. He will and DOES take care of us!
Yesterday I said "oh the good old days"....... we say that when reflecting back on days when things seemed more simple. Less "stress". "Not a care in the world". Those good old days are gone, but that feeling of simpleness is still just need to dig beneath the busyness, trendy fashions, reality TV shows, technology, and selfishness.....and there you will find it. The good old days in present time. 
When I dig in the dirt or sand while playing with my kids, life seems simple. When my pants slide right on, I carry on like nothing is different. When I am with my family and we are having a blast, I don't think about the bills that are coming in the mail. Listening to a story from an elder sure makes my life seem simple! 
When I turn to the Lord and confess that I cannot do this life alone....that I need Him......that I am so grateful for His love, grace, and mercy.....that is when I experience that simple feeling. My troubles, problems, fears, stresses, weights are lifted and there I am ...... a child at my Father's feet. Not a care in this world. Knowing that I am being taken care of....without question. 

We serve a awesome God!

Monday, July 16, 2012


It has SERIOUSLY been way too long since I last blogged! Wow!
Well, we made it! We are now a family of 6! We welcomed Zeke James Thomas into this world on March 9th, 2012. He is FANTASTIC! Like our other munchkins....they seem normal at first and then wham-o they become these giant baby-beings! 
Currently Zeke is 4 months old.....and probably around 20 pounds. (at 2 months he was 15 pounds + a little). He has already had 2 ear infections but is overall a pretty happy baby.....he has those childish moments when he has an accident in his diaper ( I can't believe he doesn't use the toilet yet! )....and when he's hungry....LORD help us all! He loves his food! We just started him on baby cereal last week and he has moved on to sweet potatoes. And he loves it all :-) I'm sure there will be some homemade baby food blogs in my future. 

I am hoping that I'll blog like once a week now. It is REALLY had to get things done when there are 4 kiddos running around! I'm either changing a diaper...or 2...nursing...making pb&j....trying to take a drink from my water bottle before it gets swiped out of my hands....laundry...dishes....breakfast, lunch, dinner.....potty break (alone would be amazing...but at all will do for now)....or just trying to take a quick 5 minute nap...among other things that I can't think of.... 
No matter how I feel from moment to moment....the overall, true feeling in my heart is that I am fulfilling my God-given purpose.....
Wife, Mommy, daughter, sister, aunt (need to be better at this one), & friend (also needs some work)! The best part is that I get to be all of these at the SAME time! I am where I am supposed to be.